The majority of viewers still think there are too many negative stories on most local newscasts, and that more positive content is needed for balance. In fact, many say that their local newscasts are ENTIRELY negative, with the possible exception of weather and sports. "You get slammed every day with all the bad stuff...You don't see any positive. Everything is negative, negative, negative...You almost don't want to turn the news on, because it's all negative. We don't want to spend an hour just listening to everything that's bad."Viewers say that the number of negative stories is depressing, so much so that it sometimes makes them less likely to watch. Others worry about the effects of so much real-life violence on the minds of young people, as well as what it's doing to society as a whole. "If you project a presence of doom and gloom on a constant daily basis, then it's gonna have a profound effect on people's psyches...
The negativity is impacting our children and how they're growing up.

"Some viewers feel that negative news fits into the general image associated with the "tabloid" style used by some local newscasts to lure an audience. In addition, they say that the order of stories within a typical newscast may also be responsible for the feeling that all news is bad. "They put all the bad stuff in together, and then they put the good stuff in at the end."Several respondents say that when a station offers a better balance between negative and positive stories, that means the station has a higher quality of coverage. "[A balance of positive and negative] means you'll get a better coverage of the news...When you sit down to watch news, you need to know everything, and they should give you a little bit of everything...Why just [negative or ]positive things? Let's just talk about everything."
Table Talk ?? where this come from ? its all about spreading the virus arround ...... he said this, he said that, what do you think about it ? and then make a news of it for public ....
Create a whole big fire for public so they react on it and come out on streets, lets use this word DESTABLIZE IT ...... OR RUN OUR BUSINESS OR BURN THE NEW VAN AND MAKE IT BBQ PARTY.....

There Need to Show the Good Things, Not Just the Bad — "They give you the feeling that nothing good ever happens, and a lot of people are doing good things that should have credit. Community projects, Goodwill, things for the elderly, people in need...They need to get away from so much crime and disaster, and give more of the good things that're happening, and good things people are doing to improve life, help improve the environment, etc...It'd be very refreshing to hear positive things goin' on...There's positive and negative in everything...I like to hear about positive things...All they ever show is negative stories out here on the local news, they never get any positive stories..Positive stories really get no airplay. Catastrophes is all they want to report. That's all you see on TV...You turn on any world or GEO news, and the whole tone tends to be different. It's more of a neutral tone, and you get a bit of both sides. It seems to be a little more balanced to me. So when you watch world news [as opposed to local news], you see the difference right away...A lot of times when you watch the news, it's so negative, because there's so much bad stuff going on, it makes you feel that's all there is to life...As we all know, news is primarily violence and crime. There aren't really nice things that come on the news...Positive is what makes the world go...There's a lot of positive stuff out there we can learn from. People helping other people, charities, what we could do to help.
Positive News Has a Positive Influence On Society — "If young people who don't necessarily have good models for behavior, if that's all they hear, they feel it gives them a license to follow in that type of behavior. I feel if they hear some of the positive, some of the younger ones will feel there's an alternative of behavior they can aspire to...
We need more
positive PTV news... or
AAJ TV The media has a very big effect on people. If you keep on presenting only negative stories, and it's the only thing they hear, then they'll tend to lean towards that negativism. But if you balance it, you not only allow them to see the two sides of the story, but you have them thinking positive, also...Children are also watching, and need to know there's a good world out there, too, and they can be a part of that...When they focus on sensationalism, they don't necessarily give people good role models they can be following. Certain kinds of examples, like someone who's a community volunteer, or more on Habitat for Humanity, or food banks, or education at a university."Having Too Much Negative Is Frightening & Depressing to Watch — "We begin to feel frightened, and it really isn't as bad as they make it out to be...It's too much violence...It's nice to hear something good, like an achievement or the
complition of any PVT or GOVT project for public Or, because they've always done these stories on the bad part of welfare, report stories on people who've pulled themselves up out of it...Most of it is accidents or homicides...

Have some stuff that isn't all crime related...After you get done watching news, you're thoroughly depressed...You almost don't wanna turn the news on, because it's all
negative...If all we see is negative, it's gonna start our day off wrong, and we're gonna feel bad...We all need encouragement, and it's very depressing to watch nothing but negative news...We had a shooting on this street, then they tell you about a rape, and then a woman was carjacked, and they threw her out of the car, and the baby was in the car with the kidnappers, etc. You hear all that, and say `My God, I'm afraid to go outside!'...Probably the reason I don't watch the news on a regular basis is because I know the entire half-hour or hour I'm gonna be watching is just all bad news, bad news, bad news. It's all necessary to know, but it's little overwhelming."Other Observations — "We want to hear it all...I'd like to hear both sides...Like they show something negative, and then when it's straightened out, they never follow up to show everything turned out alright."